Christian bingo card template

Christian bingo

Experience faith and fun with Christian Images Bingo! Perfect for church gatherings or family nights, this game blends spiritual imagery with classic bingo excitement.

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More about this bingo card

Bingo has always been a game that brings people together, and when you add a spiritual twist, it becomes an uplifting experience for all. Christian Images Bingo is perfect for church gatherings, Sunday school, family game nights, or any occasion where you want to blend fun with faith.

What is Christian bingo?

open pocket bible on green surface

Christian bingo takes the classic game and adds a spiritual touch. Instead of numbers, the cards feature a variety of Christian symbols, biblical scenes, and images of faith. From the cross and the Bible to depictions of Noah's Ark and the Last Supper, each card is a visual journey through Christian heritage.

Ways to play Christian bingo

The Holy Family Stained Glass Artwork

Here are some exciting ways to enjoy Christian bingo with your friends, family, or congregation:

1. Traditional bingo with a twist

Set up your bingo game as you normally would, but instead of calling out numbers, describe the images. For example, "Look for the picture of Noah's Ark!" This adds an extra layer of engagement as players visualize each biblical reference.

2. Bible verse bingo

Take the spiritual experience up a notch by associating each image with a Bible verse. Call out the verse, and players must find the corresponding image on their cards. It’s a great way to reinforce biblical knowledge in a fun and interactive way.

3. Faith-based storytelling

Turn your bingo game into a storytelling session. As you call out each image, share a brief story or fun fact about it. This can spark discussions and deepen understanding among players, making it both educational and entertaining.

4. Team bingo challenge

For larger groups, divide players into teams. Each team gets a card and must work together to mark off images. This fosters teamwork and camaraderie, all while celebrating shared faith.

Christian bingo questions

Question Marks on Paper Crafts

An alternative way to play bingo is with questions and answers. Players receive cards filled with answers, and as questions are called out, they mark the corresponding answers on their cards, aiming to complete a row, column, or diagonal to win.

Bible trivia questions for Christian bingo

  1. Who built the ark?
    Answer: Noah.
  2. Who was thrown into the lion's den?
    Answer: Daniel.
  3. What did God create on the seventh day?
    Answer: He rested.
  4. Which disciple denied Jesus three times?
    Answer: Peter.
  5. Who led the Israelites out of Egypt?
    Answer: Moses.
  6. What food did God provide the Israelites in the wilderness?
    Answer: Manna.
  7. How many books are in the Bible?
    Answer: 66.
  8. Who is known as the "Apostle to the Gentiles"?
    Answer: Paul.
  9. What was David’s job before he became king?
    Answer: Shepherd.
  10. Who was the first woman mentioned in the Bible?
    Answer: Eve.

People and places in the Bible

  1. Where was Jesus born?
    Answer: Bethlehem.
  2. Who was the strongest man in the Bible?
    Answer: Samson.
  3. What city’s walls fell after Joshua and his army marched around them?
    Answer: Jericho.
  4. Who killed Goliath?
    Answer: David.
  5. Which prophet was taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire?
    Answer: Elijah.
  6. Who is the father of many nations?
    Answer: Abraham.
  7. In what city did Jesus turn water into wine?
    Answer: Cana.
  8. Where did Moses receive the Ten Commandments?
    Answer: Mount Sinai.
  9. Who was the queen that saved her people from destruction?
    Answer: Esther.
  10. Who betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver?
    Answer: Judas Iscariot.

Events and miracles in the Bible

  1. What sea did Moses part to let the Israelites cross?
    Answer: The Red Sea.
  2. How many days and nights did it rain during the flood?
    Answer: 40 days and 40 nights.
  3. Who walked on water besides Jesus?
    Answer: Peter.
  4. Which prophet was swallowed by a great fish?
    Answer: Jonah.
  5. What miracle did Jesus perform with five loaves and two fish?
    Answer: He fed 5,000 people.
  6. What was Jesus’ first miracle?
    Answer: Turning water into wine.
  7. Which apostle raised Tabitha (Dorcas) from the dead?
    Answer: Peter.
  8. Who was healed when they touched the hem of Jesus' garment?
    Answer: A woman with an issue of blood.
  9. How many plagues did God send on Egypt?
    Answer: Ten plagues.
  10. What did Jesus calm during a storm on the Sea of Galilee?
    Answer: The wind and the waves.

Tips for hosting a memorable Christian bingo night

tea light on brown surface

1. Create a welcoming atmosphere

Decorate your space with Christian symbols, soft lighting, and inspirational music. This sets the tone for a serene and joyful gathering.

2. Provide prizes with a purpose

Reward winners with faith-based prizes like devotional books, crosses, or handmade crafts. These thoughtful gifts keep the spirit of the game alive even after it ends.

3. Involve all ages

Christian bingo is perfect for all age groups. Ensure the images are recognizable and meaningful to both children and adults. This inclusivity makes the game a hit at multi-generational events.

4. Use Bingo Card Creator for customization

With Bingo Card Creator, you can easily customize your bingo cards to fit your theme. Create cards with specific images, mix in personal photos, or even add text to make each game unique.

Top tip: Interactive bingo calls

To keep the game lively, consider incorporating interactive elements. When an image is called, encourage players to shout out a related fact or share a personal story connected to the image. This makes the game more dynamic and memorable.


Christian bingo offers a delightful way to blend fun, faith, and fellowship. Whether you're hosting a small family gathering or a large church event, this game is sure to bring joy and spiritual enrichment to everyone involved. So gather your loved ones, grab your bingo cards, and let the spiritual journey begin!

The Bingo Card Creator Team

The Bingo Card Creator Team

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