Ten commandments and what they mean bingo card template

Ten commandments and what they mean bingo

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Discover the moral code that has shaped Western culture for centuries with our Ten Commandments and What They Mean bingo card template. Fun and educational for all ages!


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Items in this card

  • I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
  • Make God the most important thing in your life.
  • You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  • Always say God's name with love and respect.
  • Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
  • Attend church and rest on Sunday.
  • Honor your father and your mother.
  • Love and obey your parents and guardians.
  • You shall not kill.
  • Be kind to the people and animals God made. Care for yourself and others.
  • You shall not commit adultery.
  • Be respectful of your body.
  • You shall not steal.
  • Don't take what belongs to someone else.
  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
  • "Keep your thoughts and words clean. Don't be jealous of other people's friendships."
  • You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
  • "Be happy with the things you have. Don't be jealous of what other people have.".

How to use this card

Ready to get your bingo on? 🌟 Here’s how:

  1. Start the fun: Hit the ‘Print/Play’ button to begin.
  2. Make it yours: Jazz up your card with custom content and snazzy designs.
  3. Join the bingo fam: Quick sign-up (if you’re new here) or log in to jump back into the action.
  4. Spread the joy: Grab a unique link to share your card for online games with pals, or print it out for some real-life bingo fun!

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